Victoria Plums
By Daveandmarg
United Kingdom
There is a hard clear gel on my victoria plums, it is also on the rhubarb. Do I spray with something or pick all the plums of the tree. Otherwise they look healthy?
4 Aug, 2010
Hi Daveandmarg and welcome to GoY. An insect is drilling through the ski of your plums and the rhubarb to get to the sugars. This causes the little blobs of gel. I wouldn't worry about too much.
4 Aug, 2010
Doubt the plums are ready to pick yet - our certainly aren't and I've never seen birds peck at rhubarb - which doesn't mean they don't!
4 Aug, 2010
I don't know what part of the country Daveandmarg live, we have had early blue plums ripe for a month and the Victorias are just about ready.
4 Aug, 2010
This is most likely birds pecking the fruit, pick as required, if you get invaded get busy and make some jam.
4 Aug, 2010