By Bramhallbill
United Kingdom
Roses almost on stilts. I inherited a dark red fragrant rose and ever since my nbr put up a small fence it has leaned east big time and the crown (or what ever ) is pushing right out of the soil. I dare n't touch it as the thorns are huge. Is it old age I presume. Still flowering strong & long
7 Jun, 2016
The rose bush is huge & very painful to even move an inch. Some flowers are 3 inches or more. Very fragrant & will flower non stop till November or later.
The fence is west & the rose peeps over it.
I used to cut the fuchsia next to it about 1 ft high but leave it for colour.
7 Jun, 2016
Would it help to heap some more soil round it to protect the crown?
8 Jun, 2016
Consider relocated the rose to a place where it gets full sun.
7 Jun, 2016