By Smonks12345
South yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Can somebody advise me when to sow winter pansy from seed and also do they need heat or can you put them outside any information would be helpful please
7 Jun, 2016
OK thankyou when do you sow primula seeds can you grow them in a coldframe
7 Jun, 2016
Hi, yes you can grow them in a cold frame, sow the seed of half hardy and frost tender species on the surface of a seed tray in early spring, hardy species can be sown in seed trays in an open cold frame as soon as they're ripe, or in late winter or early spring, Derek.
7 Jun, 2016
So you can't sow them now
7 Jun, 2016
Hi, if they're a hardy species you can sow as soon as the seeds are ripe, you don't have to wait for late winter or early spring, Derek.
8 Jun, 2016
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Hi, pansy seed is best sown in a seed tray in a cold frame, they don't need any heat, sow winter pansies in summer, in late winter for early spring and summer flowering, Derek.
7 Jun, 2016