By Scousemonk
United Kingdom
hi, can a camillia be moved to another area of the garden.
can it be tranferred to a large pot.
9 Aug, 2008
With an evergreen such as a camellia, I would be inclined to do this during winter and keep it moist but not waterlogged. If potting it up, don't put it in a huge pot; plants don't like sitting in oceans of cold, wet compost. Better to put it in a smaller one and move to a bigger size in a few years' time if necessary
10 Aug, 2008
Previous question
I think it really depends on how big it is, as to whether you could grow it in a pot. If it has only been in the ground for a short while, then you'd probably succeed (in ericacious compost) but if it's well established, I think it would protest! You can move any plant/shrub as long as you dig out as big a root ball as possible, and look after it when it has been moved!
9 Aug, 2008