By Andrea
United Kingdom
Not sure if this should be a blog or a question?? Aquilegias, don`t you just love them, spotted this beauty in my garden tonight, no idea where it came from. What are your favourites?

9 Jun, 2016
Any chance of some photos? :-)
9 Jun, 2016
The purple ones have finished but there 's a flower or two left on the pink one. Not sure I can manage photos as I fell in the bath this morning and my back is bothering me but I'll see how it goes.
10 Jun, 2016
No worries...hope your back is healing :-)
10 Jun, 2016
I wish I could get different coloured Aquilegais; all I have is degrees of purple even though I introduce other colours. Yours looks so fresh Andrea.
10 Jun, 2016
Previous question
My favourite at present is a low growing one with big pink flowers. Best self seeded one has purple flowers but with a white ring inside.
9 Jun, 2016