how do you grow carnations from cuttings?
13 Jun, 2016
I've done the same thing with bought carnations/pinks. Sometimes all I've done is stick a cutting in the ground and it's grown nicely but it all does depend on keeping it moist and not letting it dry out.
14 Jun, 2016
welcome to GoY.
if you find a shoot with out a flowering stem pull the shhot down wards so it tears off. it will a jagged 'spur' of torn stem. this is called a heel cutting.
you now have a choice
1. put the cutting into a glass of water and wait until roots form 2-4 weeks usually, then pot the cutting up into good quality compost.
2. pull off half the lower leaves. pop the cutting[s] down the side of a pot filled with compost. firm the compost against the cutting and the pot side. water the pot and keep barely damp. again roots should form in 2-4 weeks.
the cuttings can be kept on a window cill or in a greenhouse if you have one.
I often find suitable cutting material in bouquets of flowers/carnations/pinks. I have had some lovely freebies this way.
13 Jun, 2016