By Chega
United Kingdom
Planted a Mixed Annual Seed mix, which attracts bees in April.It Absolutely works the bed it is in as attracted loads of diff types allsummer.Most of the annuals have gone over but the bees keeping coming its looking abit messy ,what to do?About 20% still in flower
4 Aug, 2010
I did as suggested above last year and lots of them self seeded so I had a repeat performance this year.Some calendulas still coming up.
5 Aug, 2010
Thanks for suggestions,I think I would feel guilty cutting back now I will leave it ,too many bees about yet.
7 Aug, 2010
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« how do I know if a tree has rust (Kilmarnock willow). And how do I treat it?
I'd leave until all the flowers have died. If you can remove the plants that have finished flowering without disturbing the others then that would work too.
5 Aug, 2010