By Aimankay
United Kingdom
Lily Plant flowering but without Fragrance. My lily plants flowered recently and I quite like big yellow and white flowers but I thought that Lilies used to have fragrance. Are there species which give fragrance or was I wrong to believe that lilies were fragrant flowers?
5 Aug, 2010
Most of the Asiatic hybrids don't have fragrance, and they are the most common yellow lilies in the garden centers or florists. If the flowers are bowl-shaped and upward-facing, and the leaves are fairly narrow, it is probably an Asiatic. They also come in white, as well as many other colors.
5 Aug, 2010
some are fragrant, a lot aren't - Lilium regale is very fragrant indeed, has white, streaked with yellow trumpets, hardy.
5 Aug, 2010