By Jbeam9999
United Kingdom
Dear Sirs,
please can you tell us how can we deter animals such as squirrels, foxes and badgers digging under our back garden fence and making big holes in our lawn? The riverbank is behind the fence and we suspect there are badgers there in an abandoned fox set. In fact, my partner and neighbour have seen a badger rooting around (even in the daytime). As badgers are a protected species you're not even supposed to use ultrasonic pest deterrents are you?
Many thanks,
Jane Beames
18 Jun, 2016
Looks like they are running low on food sources if you see them rummaging around on your lawn in the daytime. You don't have a cash crop so the time and effort to place a top and subsoil fence is not worth it in my book. Just spot repair the damage done on your lawn until they move on....hopefully.
18 Jun, 2016
Trouble with badgers is that they are creatures of habit and very hard to deter once they have established a routine. You could try locating where they come in and trying to block it - not easy as Owdboggy says. You could try putting down chilli flakes or powder round the entrance too but the powder is a bit drastic if they get any in their eyes. Male urine poured around where they go will deter foxes so it may work for badgers - worth a go anyway.
Lion poo is said to work but getting it could be a problem...
18 Jun, 2016
Lol Snoop.
18 Jun, 2016
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Sadly there is little one can do. As we have found out this year. A badger has eaten about 1500 tulips and destroyed one of our beds trying to dig them out.
You can only do what we are doing and bury good strong wire netting about 18 inches or so in the ground and have a fence on top of that which has an outward leaning part at the top.
Electronic alarms are still legal as far as I know. One is only banned from killing the badgers.
18 Jun, 2016