By Ladybug47
United Kingdom
hello all,I was given some apple mint and choc mint sun,if i put it in my herb garden will it take over like common mint,ty
20 Jun, 2016
Yes, both will run riot, just like common mint. I speak from experience, lol!
20 Jun, 2016
right so not putting it in the ground lol
20 Jun, 2016
I grow several mints, and I keep them in containers, otherwise they would spread everywhere. They tend to die out in the middle and grow towards the edge of the container. Every couple of years I dig them up and replace them so the new growth is in the centre of the container. Choc mint has such a wonderful scent, and I love apple mint for cooking.
20 Jun, 2016
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Hi Ladybug47. I have Apple mint in my garden and it gets everywhere, It's easy to pull out and I do like it, It spreads through it's roots. I think that the Choc mint could be the same but best find out for definate.
20 Jun, 2016