By Costas4
United Kingdom
As I was sitting in my conservatory this afternoon watching the birds visiting my garden everyday (mostly Robins, Black birds and Wood pigeons ), I asked myself this question. Are they the same birds I see everyday, or could be the birds you saw in your garden a few days earlier? Can somebody answer my question. Do Robins, Black birds and Wood pigeons (these are the ones I see every day) live locally and in the area they were born, or travel tens and hundreds of miles away to visit your and my garden? I do not feed the birds. The squirrels wan't allow me.
21 Jun, 2016
In the winter there is an influx of robins and blackbirds from Europe but at this time of year the birds hold territories for breeding
21 Jun, 2016
There are birds that live in your garden, or area all year round, depending where you live you 'might' get migratory species. Do you get swallows or house martins for example they are only here in summer. Most of the garden birds though, such as finches and tits live here year around and will appear every day. Why won't the squirrels allow you to feed the birds?
21 Jun, 2016
Thank you all for your kind response to my question.
Moon grower, the squirrels won't allow me to feed the birds because there are so many of them and every time I tried to feed the birds, even using the squirrel proof feeders, they were hanging on them most of the time and not giving the chance to birds to come near.
Apparently when I visit my daughter's house, some 11 miles away, I see ordinary bird feeders hanging everywhere in the garden and not one squirrel in site, although there are many big trees around. Another strange thing I mentioned here many times. Not a single sparrow seen in my garden for 25 years. I would like to hear from gardeners living in North West London (Middlesex area) about sparrows.
22 Jun, 2016
I don't live in north west London but in Bucks and I get lots of sparrows. Have you thought of a baffle to cover your bird feeders? They are supposed to keep the squirrels off but I've never tried one as I've never seen a squirrel in my garden. Also, don't put out nuts which is a huge draw for squirrels but stick to seeds and fat balls.
22 Jun, 2016
Sparrow numbers have declined massively in recent years, and particularly in certain areas - go to the RSPB website to learn the reason why, and for lots of other bird-related info. I'm in S E Wales, and haven't noticed a decline at all, thank goodness, though I have noticed a massive drop in starling numbers.
22 Jun, 2016
I get absolutely loads of starlings, even nesting in the corner of our roof for two years running despite netting put up to deter them. They just pulled it out. They also take most of the food from the feeders, even the fat balls which are in a large square cage to enable only smaller birds inside. Somehow the clever starlings still manage to get at the food.
22 Jun, 2016
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The birds you mention do live locally and the same ones will visit your garden.
Some other birds do travel a long way. Many starlings fly to Russia for the summer and come back here in the autumn but others stay all the year round. Swallows and swifts all fly off to Africa for the winter. Crows and rooks stay here.
21 Jun, 2016