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By Cliok1

Leicestershire, United Kingdom

Hi does anyone know where clay from the soil can be disposed off?



Why are you wanting to dispose of? Clay is a very nutritious soil just needs a lot of grit and compost worked into it to open it up.

23 Jun, 2016


What Mg said, but if you must dispose of some, take it to your local tip.They should have a large container especially for soil.

23 Jun, 2016


How would you separate clay from its inclusive soil substrates?

23 Jun, 2016


Good question Loosestrife

23 Jun, 2016


Depends on your garden Loostrife! When I was small part of our garden had completely solid yellow clay a little way down - in fact I was allowed to dig some out and make a small pot with it. My amazing mother allowed me to bake it in the oven. Needless to say it was an ugly thick cracked disaster - you live and learn...

24 Jun, 2016


Do as I do, heavy clay soil is great for making voodoo dolls. They are great for settling scores.

24 Jun, 2016


Thanks all for taking the time to reply to my question.the question is actually on behalf of my mother so I have no answers to your questions.

25 Jun, 2016


Well leave the clay alone and get a lot of organic matter and grit dug into the garden!

25 Jun, 2016

How do I say thanks?

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