By Jinty29
United Kingdom
Hi I've been in my house for 10years now and I brought my peony with me from my old house. Since then it buds every year but has never flowered. Is there anything I can do to make it flower?
29 Jun, 2016
Did you plant it deeply enough? Try heaping some soil gently round the base and see if it makes a difference next year.
29 Jun, 2016
When you say it buds every year, do you mean flower buds, and if so, what happens to them?
29 Jun, 2016
Do you mean that it has failed to flower ever year for 10 years?
Are they receiving enough sun? They do like a sunny position and moist soil. So if they are not getting enough sun the buds may fail to open.
1 Jul, 2016
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« The labels have let me down again. ID for this gorgeous 4" high iris please....
I think its all the rain we have had , is the plant in well drained soil ?
29 Jun, 2016