By Pat47
United Kingdom
I planted 2 citisus Scorpius in April while they were in flower. They now look as if they are dead when in fact the label said they were evergreen. What do you think?
30 Jun, 2016
Thanks for that I don't think we watered it enough really. But it just looks absolutely lifeless. Should it stay green?
30 Jun, 2016
Yes it should stay green. All I can suggest is scraping away a little of the bark with your fingernail if it is green underneath then the shrub is still alive if not then it is probably dead.
30 Jun, 2016
Hi Pat and welcome to GoY, we need a photo to be able to give you any advice. After you planted the Citisus did you keep it well watered also where did you plant, aspect, soil etc. Any shrub that is actually flowering when you plant it needs a lot of care and attention.
30 Jun, 2016