By Pathumwan
United Kingdom
Hi Could anyone tell me what the infestation on my Viburnum is and how to treat it. I attach some photos for you. kind regards Trevor
2 Jul, 2016
Thank you Bamboo I have been on the RHS site and as they say the damage has been done now so I will give it wash down and hope for the best. regards Trevor
2 Jul, 2016
Its more successful if you inspect and treat it earlier in the year, sort of April/May time.
2 Jul, 2016
Thanks again Bamboo I will get some insecticide and give it some and again next April/May. If they lay eggs in the ground/soil is there some thing you can treat the soil with.
2 Jul, 2016
The eggs are laid and overwintered on the trunk and branches - the only time anything is in the soil is between around end of May and June, when the nymphs go into the soil to pupate into adult beetles. That's why its best to spray in April/May, including under the leaves, and till run off - if you kill all the nymphs that are on the leaves (because that's where they'll be at that time of year) they can't pupate and re-emerge as beetles around this time of year.
2 Jul, 2016
Thank you for all your valuable advice Bamboo everything is noted for future reference. regards Trevor
2 Jul, 2016
Previous question
Its Viburnum beetle - your plant appears to be V. tinus and that is very prone to attack by this pest. More info and recommendations for treatment below
2 Jul, 2016