By Tonyl
United Kingdom
Id and a bit of info please
There's a definite lack of yellow in my garden,these would be perfect for next year

7 Jul, 2016
ok thanks for the warning!!!
7 Jul, 2016
Lysimachia, yes, common name Loosestrife - I still grow it anyway, I just dig out and split when it spreads too much, usually biennally. Good in shady damp spots too. Coreopsis grandiflora is great, but can be shortlived, so might need replacing more frequently - but its in flower for months.
7 Jul, 2016
Hi, this is my 1st summer in my garden and had asked for a ID on this plant as it was everywhere! It had been left to its own devices and taken over. Jen
7 Jul, 2016
If you have room for a small shrub Potentilla fruticosa is good - several different shades of yellow available and flower all summer.
7 Jul, 2016
Welsh Poppies brighten up my garden, and yes they do self-seed but are easy to pull up.
7 Jul, 2016
My suggestion would be Buphthalmum salicifolium, a reliable clump forming perennial which doesn't seed around. Lots of lovely yellow daisy type flowers.
8 Jul, 2016
Lysimachia punctata and a thug of the first water where suited. There are much better yellow flowered plants which do not come with a Health warning.
Have a look at Coreopsis or Heleniums or the perennial types of Rudbeckia.
7 Jul, 2016