By Leslieanne
United States
I planted sweet peppers so far no peppers:( wondering how long it takes for them to start! Planted in May plants are super tall
7 Jul, 2016
Bathgate there aren't even any blossoms :(
7 Jul, 2016
Where do you have it planted? They need 6-8 hours of direct sun per day.
7 Jul, 2016
They get that for sure, I'm hoping I'm just getting impatient and they'll get blooms in the next week or so
7 Jul, 2016
Good luck. I'm completely baffled - not even a blossom?
7 Jul, 2016
are you feeding them too much or with a wrong balance? often lots of growth is a sign of too much 'nitrogen' and not enough 'potash'.
no flowers on mine either but they are only 4 weeks old. [I know left it late to get the seed in :o(]
8 Jul, 2016
That's another important point. Too much, or the wrong kind, of fertilizer will promote a lot of leafy growth, but will stop fruit production.
8 Jul, 2016
Give them some tomato food, if they're really tall then maybe stop them to encourage branching. can't hurt to try
8 Jul, 2016
Are they in the ground, or in containers? If the latter, plants that are allowed to wilt between soakings will abort their young flower buds. Close examination of the growing tops is in order--if that is what's happening, you will see tiny remains of flower trusses every place the stems branch.
8 Jul, 2016
I give mine tomato feed once a week. They are loaded with peppers & pushing new blossoms. One of the easiest things I've grown - in the ground & mulched.
8 Jul, 2016
I will try the tomato food and it could be to much nitro I haver fertilized a few times. Thank you all for the input!!
8 Jul, 2016
Pamg. How do I stop them from growing?
8 Jul, 2016
Leslieanne, you don't--peppers have to put on new growth to form flower buds. The idea is that once the nitrogen from your last feeding starts to run out, and the tomato food takes hold, growth will slow down, and more flowers will appear. Once again, are they branching and bushy? The flower trusses appear where the stems branch.
9 Jul, 2016
Tugbrethil they are bushy and branching there are little sprouts in the connections so mabey they are getting ready to bloom?
9 Jul, 2016
Did you grow your pepper plants from seed or buy them?
9 Jul, 2016
Grown from seeds and in a garden I planted after Mother's Day and from what I understand it's about 60-75 days so mabey I'm just being impatient
11 Jul, 2016
Hold off on all fertilizer and flush it with lots of water to leach out as much residual fertilizer as possible. Just let it run it's course and it will eventually start producing peppers. IF you soil is good, they don't need much fertilizer at all.
11 Jul, 2016
Bathgate thank you for the info :) hope to have peppers soon
11 Jul, 2016
You're welcome. I love watching my peppers grow bigger and bigger each day. You'll know what I mean.
11 Jul, 2016
Leslieanne, I would try to very gently touch those sprouts: if they are soft and tender, with little bead-like tips, they are young flower trusses. If they are stiff and bristle-like, with cut off looking tips, they are old trusses that the buds have aborted from. The main causes of aborted buds are drought--possibly only intermittent--and over fertilizing.
12 Jul, 2016
I totally agree you don't have to Tug, I grow mine in pots on a table in the GH, one year those long grill peppers were so very tall and few flowers so I stopped the top growth.....had to stand on a stool they were so tall, and top heavy
Shortening them helped in that instance......
I do like those long ones rubbed with oliveoil and barbecued ?
14 Jul, 2016
Sounds good. I love stuffed peppers usually with beef & rice with cheese and tomato sauce running over of course.
14 Jul, 2016
Well, my peppers are about 30 inches tall with about 12 developing peppers and many more blossoms developing. You should have SOME peppers developing by now. Try hand pollination, cross pollinate the plants, Do they have blossoms? For some reason they aren't being pollinated. Try hand pollinating yourself.
7 Jul, 2016