By Lancs111
United Kingdom
Hi all im in N.W. UK is it too late to plant some maincrop potatoes?
Ok im going to give them a miss then
any other suggestions for a crop?
9 Jul, 2016
Personally in the UK I'd have said July was too late to be planting main crop potatoes we plant ours in April with the expectation of harvesting In mid September.
9 Jul, 2016
Maybe go with a shorter season crop. I don't think red or gold potatoes require as much time.
9 Jul, 2016
In the UK I'd have thought it was too late. You might be lucky with some earlies if you can find any. Pity we can't forecast the weather!
9 Jul, 2016
Bathgate what are 'red or gold potatoes'? Our potato tubers are all, basically, white. I suspect this is another of those differences of growing in the UK and US.
10 Jul, 2016
We call them Yukon Golds or Red Potatoes, but they may go by another name elsewhere.
10 Jul, 2016
Don't think we have in the UK
10 Jul, 2016
Mg Yukon Gold was the "in " potato with a certain chef a few years back. It is very tasty. I bought tubers at a Potato Day' I also bought several different red potatoes and blue, purple and brown - "Golden Wonder".
12 Jul, 2016
Yukon Golds only need 80-90 days to harvest. Planted now will be ready in October - just enough time. They can even go to 100 days. Yes, they are very delicious.
12 Jul, 2016
Have a look at Suttons website - think I saw them advertising stuff for planting now.
13 Jul, 2016
Probably for eating around Christmas...
13 Jul, 2016
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No,it's not too late, but get them in sooner rather then later.
9 Jul, 2016