By Smonks12345
South yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I sowed some winter pansy last saturday and they haven't come yet can anybody tell me how long they take to germinate please
15 Jul, 2016
I don't know what summers are like in your part of the world, but we are approaching 100F now here in New York. My pansies are shutting down now. They go semi-dormant. They will start again late summer until hard freeze.
15 Jul, 2016
Yep, ours never survive the summer, and I've found that the seeds won't sprout until the soil is fairly cool--say, around late October.
15 Jul, 2016
I would give it a little more time. If you want to make life easier in the future, I would recommend buying an electric propagator. You can control both temperature and moisture. Worth the investment when seeds are so expensive.
16 Jul, 2016
Too much light and heat, I suspect.
Put the pots or trays in a cool, dark place, and check for germination after about 7 days. Once they start to pop up, put them in a cool, light position (no direct sun) to grow on.
16 Jul, 2016
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« I sowed some winter pansy last saturday and they haven't come yet can anybody...
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Pansies usually take more than 10 days to sprout, even if conditions are ideal. If the soil is more than 23ยบ C, they will take longer than normal, or may not even sprout at all.
15 Jul, 2016