By Mirandamary
United Kingdom
We have a weeping pussy willow which is about 2 years old and thrived until the last 6 weeks or so during which time all the foliage has gone brown. We thought it was dead but some green shoots are now appearing on the trunk. What could have caused this? We did apply some farmyard manure to the bed in which it grows about 2 months ago. Could this have caused the problem? How should we help it to recover if it can indeed recover?
17 Jul, 2016
when you say pussy willow, precisely which variety of willow is it? Otherwise, any chance of a photograph? Or is it a Kilmarnock Willow?
17 Jul, 2016
Willows need to be grown in a naturally moist soil; you will often see them in parks and by rivers with their roots in the water. If as Bamboo suggests it it a Kilmarnock willow then it would have been top grafted and you have a dead top and shoots growing from the graft so the outcome could be Salix Caprea rather than Salix Caprea Pendula. If stem does survive it could end up at 10 metres high.
17 Jul, 2016
was the manure well rotted ? as if not the manure has burnt the roots , they are tough plants , if me I would remove the manure and keep the soil well waterd and NO fertiliser
then just wait and see next spring
17 Jul, 2016