By Stewart64
Took over a very long ten foot lawsonia hedge that has had years of neglect at my new house. It appears that it had always been regularly pruned but the owner had allowed ash and sycamore trees to grow in it and a lot of ivy. This summer I have removed the deciduous trees, dead lawsonia stumps smothered with ivy and tried to remove all the ivy, though there is some that is rooted next door that I can't.
It does look better but the ivy in particular has left gaping gaps. will these fill in from sideways growth from surrounding healthy lawsonia.
Having tried to
21 Jul, 2016
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Depends how big the gaps are. Trouble is once a branch has gone brown it never recovers. You will probably find that it can fill the gaps at the top of the hedge but leave gaps at the bottom. Short of replanting if that happens the best thing we could think of was to plant an evergreen in front of the gaps. the ivy will be a continuing struggle if its anything like ours.
23 Jul, 2016