United Kingdom
My calla lillies have not flowered
6 Aug, 2010
And if not, were they badly damaged by the winter. Watering, exposure, and feeding information would be helpful, too.
6 Aug, 2010
We can't grow them outdoors in the UK, Tug. The only hardy one is Z. aethiopica 'Crowborough'.
7 Aug, 2010
Ah! I was curious about that. So many of the people asking about callas have phrased their questions as if they were in the ground. Apparently I have assumed too much!
7 Aug, 2010
I'm afraid so. Frost kills the rest....I put mine in the greenhouse as soon as the temps drop. The hardy one's on the stream bank.
7 Aug, 2010
We need a little more information, guest. Were they new this year, for example.
6 Aug, 2010