By Annemarie007
United Kingdom
Can anyone tell me if there is a way to get rid of sticky willie weed, I have just spent two hours wrestling with it and I'm sure I didn't win.
Anne Marie
28 Jul, 2016
And move away from anywhere where the hedges are full of it.
28 Jul, 2016
Pull it all out as early in the season as you can. Just don't let it seed. We got rid of nearly all ours in one season like that. Its a bit late now as its already seeded so pulling out won't prevent he seds from falling as you pull it. Its an annual do no need to dig it.
28 Jul, 2016
Leaves make nice tea.
And it is a close-ish relative of coffee - you can roast the little, sticky seed pods and make a coffee-substitute that actually contains caffeine.
Only looking on the positives, as it is a pest to get rid of and brings me out in a rash.
28 Jul, 2016
Dogs and cats collect the seeds on their fur as they wander through the garden so they will spread it. But as the others say yank it out as soon as you see it early in the season.
It's got a few names: Cleavers, Goosegrass and, in some areas, is also known as Lady's Bedstraw as are several other plants. Wouldn't fancy it as my mattress though.
29 Jul, 2016
Gosh Buddleja, you'd have to be desperate for a caffeine fix...
Too late this year to try the tea - will try to remember next year -if I failed to eradicate all of them this spring...
29 Jul, 2016
Many thanks for your replies, I will keep pulling it by the roots and see if it makes a difference next year, will also continue to de-seed my dogs and hope they don't spread it around too much, between the ticks and sticky willies my dogs keep me busy too.
Thanks again
Anne Marie
1 Aug, 2016
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Only way I know of is to keep pulling and digging it up...
28 Jul, 2016