By Bainliam
United Kingdom
I have been growing Gladioli and Dutch Iris bulbs in containers outdoors. Once they have finished flowering should I lift and store them over the winter or can they be left in the containers to flower again next summer.
28 Jul, 2016
Agree with Tugb. lift the gladioli and store somewhere cool, dry and frost free. It will be far too late now to start to feed your Dutch irises, this should have been done when the leaves were dying back so all you can really do is follow Tugb.'s advice and keep your fingers crossed for next year; if they do come up 'blind' feed with half strength liquid tomato food.
29 Jul, 2016
Probably, I would store the Gladioli, and keep the Dutch Iris in the pot, but in a sheltered area, so they don't actually freeze. Note that bulbs that aren't planted in deep pots of rich compost rarely bloom the following year. People more familiar with cold climates probably have other tips.
29 Jul, 2016