United Kingdom
I've grown sweetcorn for the first time & have lots of cobs going to be ready at the same time. How do I store them please?
7 Aug, 2010
We used to live near a farm that did pick your own sweetcorn - one of my fondest memories is driving back with sackfuls of corn, eating it raw on the way home - it was so tender & sweet. We used to eat it at almost every meal & stacked the freezer with it - gorgeous!
Picking it was fun - we could lose the kids for hours in the sweetcorn jungle! :-)
It was before they'd invented or imported the "maize maze".
7 Aug, 2010
Previous question
No practical way to store them fresh, though refrigeration will allow you to keep them an extra day or two--slight loss of sweetness in some varieties. I would invite the neighbors over for a corn roast! Otherwise blanch them and freeze them, or cut the kernels off and can them. Lots of recipes on the internet. Have fun!
7 Aug, 2010