By Barbarak
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
A couple of months ago there was a post about red spots on the port sunlight rose petals. There was a thought that it might be aphid damage. I also had similar on a couple of my port sunlight roses but only on the outside petals. I have kept an almost daily check for aphids as I under planted with lavender which was supposed to deter aphids. Well the only aphids have been on the sweet peas close by but a Heuchera has similar red spots. Any ideas please.

10 Aug, 2016
Thanks, will do when it stops raining but hope it rains all night!
10 Aug, 2016
Thanks Bamboo, I checked under the leaves and it does have the symptoms on the back of the leaves but it's only this coloured Heuchera which I think is either marmalade or ginger beer, however my other varieties are unaffected- eg palace purple, green spice. Should I spray everything? I've cut the affected leaves off and new growth is clear at the moment.
12 Aug, 2016
No need to treat healthy plants, but keep a close watch on all your Heucheras for signs of infection.
12 Aug, 2016
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Check the backs of affected leaves on the Heuchera - if its rust, you should see small brown circles on the backs. Spray with a fungicide, including under the leaves (Rose Clear Ultra should work)
10 Aug, 2016