By Pdb
Lancashire, United Kingdom
I've had a honeysuckle for years and it's never flowered. I have been tempted to dig it up but last year after deciding not to prune it it produced a couple of flowers. This year after still not touching it the flowers have been wonderful. My question is that now it has finally flowerered it has become very rampant will I harm it if I decide to cut it back. I am quiet happy for it to grow into a large rodedendron that is next to it but some if it has fallen all over my border. Thanks
- 14 Aug, 2016
Hi there.
It seems you've pruned at the wrong time in the past, which is why you've had no flowers before. Pruning should be done immediately after flowering. Any later, and you'll cut off the growth that will bear next year's flowers.
For pruning advice on anything, The RHS website is the tops.
14 Aug, 2016