By Dawnsaunt
United Kingdom
Shrub/Tree ID - Following on from my other question, here is a closer (equally blurry) photo of no.3.
So here is an update: Well, after a closer look I'm thinking its Sorbus. Closer up the leaves are not so variegated. I've added 3 more pictures. Thank you

20 Aug, 2016
I agree. I can't make an identification from that picture either.
20 Aug, 2016
Thanks for looking. I will go for a walk and take a decent picture.
20 Aug, 2016
Could be a Rhus typhina, has that general look.
20 Aug, 2016
Whoo Landgirl, I see where you're coming from, the overall tree shape and leaf, off to Google, I was thinking Sorbus or Cornus but not quite right for those. It's a lovely tree.
20 Aug, 2016
except i can detect from your blurry pic that the leaves on this plant appear variegated, with a yellowish outer stripe at the edges of the leaves....
20 Aug, 2016
Bamboo is right, I don't think there is a variegated Rhus. Thinking Sorbus now, but again don't know one with that gold edge. Good game!
21 Aug, 2016
I'm off to get a better photo this afternoon. I am intrigued as it is really nice, looked at it for years and wondered what it is.
21 Aug, 2016
Still thinking Sorbus. Do the berries get any more red than they appear in the photos?
22 Aug, 2016
I don't know, i will closely monitor it over these next few weeks, its on council ground a mile up the road, over the years I've noticed it's striking autumn colour, I can see this ID going on for a few weeks.
22 Aug, 2016
Its like looking at something wearing someone else's spectacles...
20 Aug, 2016