United Kingdom
Can someone tell me what this plant is? It came from my sisters garden but we don't recognise it, maybe it is a weed, it has grown and flowered incredibly fast! Thank you for any help.

21 Aug, 2016
yes it is one of the smaller willow herbs. pull it out before it seeds every where.
welcome to GoY too :o)
21 Aug, 2016
Thank you for your replies, the plant will be got rid of today!
22 Aug, 2016
It's Great Willowherb, Epilobium hirsutum. You can see the huge 4-lobed stigma flopping out of the flower in the first photo.
22 Aug, 2016
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A weed of the first water, one of the Fireweed types. A willow herb. spreads by copious seeds and pernicious roots.
21 Aug, 2016