United Kingdom
I have a parlour palm that I have had for many years from a young plant that now stands on the floor. I have looked on the internet and tried various methods to take a cutting to start a new plant without success. Can you help.
25 Aug, 2016
You can divide the plant or cut off a stem, dip it in rooting hormone and pot it.
25 Aug, 2016
By Parlour Palm, do you mean Chamaedorea elegans? If so, I would expect the bark scraping to work only 1% of the time. As for dividing, they frequently start a dozen or so seedlings to a pot at the grower, so you could divide up the "family", but they won't actually be multiplying.
26 Aug, 2016
One of the things that I found by accident was to make a tiny cut in the main stem or even just scrape the bark off a bit. Then after a week or so you should notice a small shoot emerging. It doesn't work on all the stems though so it will be trial and error.
25 Aug, 2016