By Kev_rowley
east staffordshire,
United Kingdom
Bird set Holly Tree
I have a young (three year old approx.) holly tree that is in the wrong place, what are the chances of successfully re locating it ? It is around 4ft tall and I would like to move it to give room for a camellia that is catching too much sun
cheers kev
27 Aug, 2016
Thanks Bamboo,
the idea of moving it was just the fact it was self set and looks healthy, it was my intention to try and keep it as a smallish (easily manageable) standard . If all fails no great loss as a freebie
28 Aug, 2016
There'll be others, likely not far from where this one germinated - the trick is to find them when they're small and easy to relocate or get rid off!
28 Aug, 2016
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If its popped up on its own, do you really have room for it? Common holly gets upwards of 12 metres with a spread of 4-8 metres, but if you really want to keep it, the time to attempt to move it is late autumn or in winter. If the move is unsuccessful, I have no doubt you will find other volunteer hollies popping up anyway.
27 Aug, 2016