By Rjb
United Kingdom
I have a sarcococca confuse plant and the leaves have brown and dry I have recently repotted to a larger pot and
Fed it but it is getting worse can you tell me what to do
to revive it pleas
On plant
Sarcococca confusa
27 Aug, 2016
Hi there.
Possibly lack of water and too much sun. Sarcococca Confusa should be grown in full shade. You'll get away with part-shade, but it won't be happy in a sunny part of the garden.
If it isn't in sun and it's been watered regularly, tip it out of its pot and check for vine weevil grubs. They eat plant roots, especially those of potted plants. Do an internet search to see what they look like.
28 Aug, 2016
Feeding was the worst thing to do at this end of the year and if the plant was suffering, but the plant won't take it up anyway hopefully.
Sarococca likes moist, humus rich soil in shade - it will tolerate some dryness in shade, and will tolerate full sun if the soil its growing in is not dry. So likely your plant has had too much sun and not enough water, or hasn't been watered well enough if it was in shade. All you can do now is keep it well soaked.
27 Aug, 2016