By Brotherzaq
Hi there
growing squash for first time, 1 plant is going mad and spreading all over the place, am I supposed to pinch out side shoots or do I just encourage it, at mo fruit are about thumb sized and green
many thanks,
Andrew (Derbyshire)
28 Aug, 2016
Better just to let them run wild, as long as they aren't smothering something.
29 Aug, 2016
certain squash are very viny as well as some are bushy what are you growing? viny spread and spread
29 Aug, 2016
But should you reduce the vines to let the goodness concentrate in the baby squashes that have set?
29 Aug, 2016
i have let them do what they want and they produced a lot of squash , they just need a lot of room!
29 Aug, 2016
All we need now is a nice warm autumn, or else all the effort will have been for nothing...
30 Aug, 2016
the way the weather is going now i think autumn is going to be warm, so there is time yet for the squash
30 Aug, 2016
Previous question
« Why didn't my forsythia and one of my hydrangeas flower this year ?
I'd appreciate the answer to this too. Mine are so late flowering I don't think there's any chance at all of even one squash though. Must start earlier next year.
28 Aug, 2016