By Kenbroadribb
United Kingdom
I have a Peach tree which does well. During a time of garden improvement/changes the tree became part - within a new gravel path created to gain access to the rear of a main flower bed. Some of the fruit falling unnoticed through the autumn winter, year before last the stones of burried themselves in the gravel. To my happy surprise one of them set itself so I moved it into the greenhouse and potted it on.
Now comes my problem, lack of knowledge! It is now some 30" tall. It was growing kind of like a bush so I carefully pruned off a lot of side shoots leaving some at the top to hopefully branch out! It is growing on just the same with long leaves and some short off the main stem. No sign either yet of this stem (trunk?)thickening up. Should I top it off at this point or give it until next spring moving it on into bigger pot(s)? Then what?
Answers (not on a postcard) gratefully received.
Thank you.
Ken Broadribb (
29 Aug, 2016
Please edit and remove your email address, you will get spammed!
29 Aug, 2016
Its only a baby and will take quite a while to start to thicken. Don't cut the top off, you'd spoil the eventual shape.Allow it to have the leaves on the main stem for now as it will use them for photosynthesis. You can allow short shoots on the stem at this stage but don't let them turn into woody branchlets.
29 Aug, 2016