By Somhairle
What plant is this?
I am pretty sure it is an aster but I stand to be corrected. It has produced a lot of top growth this year but has not flowered. I did plant an aster in this area several years ago, which is what makes me think that this is it gone wild. It cuyrrently stands at around 1m high.

31 Aug, 2016
yes its an aster they tend to self seed a lot cannot tell you the variety
31 Aug, 2016
No, it had no flowers this year. I am not certain about the flower, but think that it was a mid pink with deeper pink centre.
31 Aug, 2016
Close up of foliage added.
31 Aug, 2016
Has masses of tiny white flowers i think its lateriflourus "lady in black" maybe yours isnt so black as it could be a seedling
31 Aug, 2016
Aha, is that what it is! Many thanks, Youngalistair.
31 Aug, 2016
Pic is too blurry to tell. A close-up might help. Did it have any flowers?
31 Aug, 2016