By Steragram
United Kingdom
Coprosmia Pacific sunrise
I fell for this, knowing nothing about it. The label said it was hardy, the nurseryman said it was tough as old boots and some sites on Google say it needs winter protection. Some Goyers seem to have had probelms with it overwintering. I chose it in preference to the red leaved Pittosporum as I thought it would be hardier. should I take it back and swap it for a pittosporum or do I give up on having a foot red leaved shrub I can keep to 5 - 6 feet for my boundary? The site is east facing, dry, somewhat sheltered on the west and south by shrubs and trees. (see my recent blog on removing privet for the site)
31 Aug, 2016
I wouldn't say that Coprosmia would be hardy; my local garden centre has a 5-year guarantee but not on this species of plant. Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Purpureum' or Tom Thumb would be somewhat hardier. I would guess that West Wales doesn't suffer so many hard winters.
31 Aug, 2016
True, but we did have a short spell of -10 a few years ago. I haven't got anywhere much to overwinter a big pot. Looks as though I'll have to give up on a red one- spent a long time googling for one but no joy. Shame as its a lovely thing. I wanted it as a contrast to philadelphus but also wanted the screening in winter.. No point growing it on for a few years and just when its getting big enough losing it is there?
Back to the drawing board. Thank you Bamboo and Jimmy.
1 Sep, 2016
I've two Coprosma. One green and this one you're asking about. The green one was left out in its pot all winter and the frost never even touched it, but it did have the protection of the house wall. It grew so big I took a chance and planted it in my border. Its still growing. But I took cuttings for insurance (they rooted easily and the one I kept is already a good size). Its one of those tricky dilemmas...will the winter be hard? They rarely are, but if it is....bye bye shrub perhaps. However, I have to tell you..Im surprised how tough it is and I've never managed to keep a pittosporum, so I would choose coprosma over it.
2 Sep, 2016
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Anyone know what this plant is? It has orange pea like seeds. »
Hardy to -5deg C, according to Graham Rice blogging for the RHS, although he's talking about Sunset rather than Sunrise. Even so, its probably about the same level of hardiness - he suggests keeping it potted and moving to shelter during winter.
The 'red' leaved Pittosporum (more of a chocolate brown, actually) is the only hardy evergreen shrub of that colour in the UK, and even that's only the same level of hardiness as Coprosma, though I had one in a warm, sheltered sunny corner in a pot for years, even through bad winters.
31 Aug, 2016