By Violet53
United Kingdom
Could you please tell me how to get rid of nut grass.
4 Sep, 2016
is this a type of sedge? They are difficult to get out of a lawn but they are relatively easy to dig out of a border. Don't let them form seed heads or the problem will just get even worse.
4 Sep, 2016
So glad you asked this question - I googled it and found its matches a plant I have growing in our pond. Having now been warned I'll remove it while its the only one!
4 Sep, 2016
Nut-grass doesn't grow in the UK, to the best of my knowledge. Could you post a photo so that we can identify it for you?
4 Sep, 2016
Off to the pond tomorrow then, to check if mine's a sedge.(It was self sown) Will be interested to see your photo Violet53.
4 Sep, 2016
Nut grass as I know it wouldn't do well in the UK--it loves heat.
4 Sep, 2016
Yes mine's a sedge. Sbg, should I cut the very attractive seed head off then? (apologies Violet for gatecrashing your question)
5 Sep, 2016
Could you send us pictures Violet, for positive identification? Nutgrass is desperately difficult to control, while many of the grassy weeds that are mistaken for it are easier to stop.
5 Sep, 2016
yes dead head it stera.
I have heard sedge called nut grass in the uk. that's the problem with using local names and not their scientific/botanical name.
We will need a photo as already said.
6 Sep, 2016
Thank you. shame, Its so pretty.
6 Sep, 2016
well if you like it keep it but just keep an eye on it and cut it back when it gets too big stera.
7 Sep, 2016
Nut Grass is what you get from birds dropping seeds. If you have a bird table this will happen, we have our bird table on some grass so it just mergers into the lawn.
7 Sep, 2016
Say whaa!!?? Are there any pictures or articles that you can refer us to, delineating what you are calling Nut Grass, Nellie?
8 Sep, 2016
The sedge I have wouldn't merge into the lawn!
8 Sep, 2016
Hi Violet. I'd never heard of nut grass, so I did an internet search and found lots of information on how best to deal with it.
4 Sep, 2016