By Pakyesantos
Hello..I really love cherry-trees (and definitely its fruit)..and I really want to know whether 'brush-cherry' is the same as other common cherry ..because as I see it, the brush-cherry looks different in its fruit and leaves from the common-chery..please somebody tell me ..thank you very much..
8 Sep, 2016
Eugenia myrtifolia (now Szigium) is not a cherry, despite its common name of brush cherry - its in the family Myrtaceae and entirely unrelated to cherries, which are Prunus varieties. The fruit of Eugenia is edible, but its still not a cherry...
The link below is to a site in the UK - it lists various varieties of fruiting cherry (which is what you're looking for, not flowering cherry) but there is more general information towards the bottom of the page which might be of interest. I'm guessing you're not in the UK, so if you want to select a fruiting cherry variety, check which ones do well in your climate zone.
8 Sep, 2016
I have found two different trees with that name.
One is Hansens Bush cherry An ordinary cherry on a small tree.
There is also an Australian rainforest plant Syzigium Australe which is known as bush cherry..
You can find details for both on google.
You did not put your country on your profile so we can't tell which one you mean.
8 Sep, 2016