By Joanairey
United Kingdom
There is a weed in our garden with a very nice flower that attracts bees. I have tried to attach a photo here, hoping someone can identify it. However, I am having trouble attaching as I think it must be too big. Cannot fathom this out as I have quite an ordinary camera. Ideas anyone??????
10 Sep, 2016
Thanks Bathgate. I'll give this a try.
11 Sep, 2016
Pictures can take a long time to load - are you sure you waited long enough? if the photo is too big I think you get a message asking you to reduce it.
11 Sep, 2016
Thanks Steragram
I did wait and then nothing happened, not even a message saying it had been rejected. I tried again and the same thing happened. I initially attached two photos and then just the one. Pity.
12 Sep, 2016
1st check your camera settings. Most digital cameras have a setting for pixel size. Select the smallest size. 2nd Do you have photo editing software? ie photshop or another one? There should be an option for changing picture size without cropping. Cropping is the last resort if you have not other choice.
11 Sep, 2016