By Vjd
United States
has anyone had good success with planting fall mums and have them come up for the next year? if so what's the secret? or maybe they are not to be a next yr plant?
12 Sep, 2016
I've had a fair amount of success. They don't seem to be long lived plants. They've come back for a couple years then Pfffffffttttt!! that's it. They are so inexpensive so I just buy new ones. Last year they were 3/$10.00 at the supermarket.
12 Sep, 2016
thanks for the replys
12 Sep, 2016
In New York, you will probably have success with only the hardiest varieties, Vjd. Unfortunately, those are generally not the ones available from the florist's shop.
13 Sep, 2016
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« morning everyone I saw this plant in a scene in Emmerdale I couldn't believe...
I have had some that come up year on year then others fail during the winter. So I don't know what the secret is really. I suspect some are not fully hardy varieties so in the cold winters they die. They are also a fav food of slugs in the spring too.
12 Sep, 2016