By Seo
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
My 3 lemon trees in pots are failing to thrive or fruit up. 2 out of 3 have had lemons in past. The leaves are yellowing on 2 plants and 3 rd is dropping leaves. I live in Ibiza Baleares so a warm Mediterranean climate. What suggestion for improvement please.
13 Sep, 2016
Thanks. You may be right about scale insect as the leaves are curling over. What t/t would you think.
23 Sep, 2016
dont mean to sound rude but a spray that says scale on the box if you ask they should know what you mean , but you need to get sorted and may have to spray again in a couple of weeks , just follow the instructions dont add more for good luck , lemons are tough and will grow back again but its feeding and watering they are greedy plants DURING THE GROWING SEASON.
Also they have a summer and winter feed ( you can easily buy them) so you need both .
23 Sep, 2016
Feeding is the key and one specifically for lemons .....
Also check the underside for scale insect.
They will soon green up feeding and regular watering.
13 Sep, 2016