By Seasidesal
United Kingdom
If it's not slugs what do you think may be nibbling at my eponymous bushes?
14 Sep, 2016
there is a lot of vine weevil activity at the moment so that could be a culprit. can you describe the holes that are being left or add a photo?
14 Sep, 2016
As SBG says there is vine weevil activity around. I even found one in our sitting room. Having recently bought a perennial lobelia from the GC, they now seem to be nibbled at the edges of the lobelia in the characteristic way of vine weevil. Have also noticed the same nibbles in two daphne perfume princess. It is not a definitive association but is certainly suggestive.
16 Sep, 2016
Thanks all.
Yes euonymus it is.
I will post a picture.
17 Sep, 2016
Need more information please, though a photo would be even better. I assume you mean Euonymus, but we need to see or have a good description of the symptoms - are the plants in pots or the ground?
14 Sep, 2016