By Markafn
United Kingdom
I have got a cordline which had died , I now have loads of new shoots from the base , I was told in a previous question that if i leave them they will grow into a multi trunk tree.. but they have all grown in to one big cluster will they still be ok or should i cut some away to make some space ??

8 Aug, 2010
Thanks , have just cut 4 away and left the 3 biggest ones..
8 Aug, 2010
They will lean out away from each other as they grow to make a nicely balanced plant.
10 Aug, 2010
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I would select the three strongest and remove the rest. I suspect the plant would probably do this by itself with the strongest taking over and the smaller ones eventually aborting. I have a Draceana which is closely related (house plant) and this does the same when you cut it back.
8 Aug, 2010