By Welder1
United Kingdom
Where can I possibly get a justicea white and one yellow from I live in the uk many thanks
On plant
Justicia carnea alpha and Justicia aurea
19 Sep, 2016
Justicia carnea yes, but J. carnea 'alba' and 'aurea', no. I couldn't find any suppliers.
20 Sep, 2016
Hi, welcome to GoY, as you probably know, these are frost tender plants, and in the UK will need to be grown in a temperate greenhouse, or as a houseplant, minimum temperature is 45f, Derek.
20 Sep, 2016
Previous question
« Plant ID Please :) Bought a packet of 'Digitalis (white)' from somewhere...
Hi there. Several links popped up when I did an internet search for 'Justicia carnea UK', so you should be able to source them fairly easily.
19 Sep, 2016