should I cut any growth of my alum lilies at this time of year I get plenty of leafs but no flowers I have just split them up and they are now producing leafs again
By Brianireland
United Kingdom
should I cut any growth of my alum lilies at this time of year, I get plenty of leaves but no flowers I have just split them up and they are now producing leaves again I am worried they will not produce flowers again if the energy in the plant is used just just producing folliage..thanks
21 Sep, 2016
I assume you mean Arum and I wonder if you mean Zantedeschia aethiopica, a trumpet shaped flower usually white. I wouldn't cut them back. let them die back naturally. whilst they have leaves they will be sending nutrients back to the corms ready for next year.
22 Sep, 2016
Thanks very much to all ????
22 Sep, 2016
The leaves are important for converting energy from the sun into food for the roots. Have you been overfeeding them perhaps? Too much nitrogen in the food will produce lush leaves at the expense of flowers.
21 Sep, 2016