By Aimankay
United Kingdom
Plant ID please September 2016
Hello everyone, I am back after a long time as I was away. I lived in a flat for sometime so almost forgotten what Gardening is. I had started to look for this forum but couldn't remember the name. I checked few other sites but was sure it was not the one I frequented. Finally I found it and going through my old plant ID questions. I can't believe I had not even knew Likies, Lupins at that time. I have got some more plant ID Questions. I hope you will help. Thanks in advance.

1 Oct, 2016
Middle one looks like perennial cornflower seed heads but possible oriental poppy , bottom one possibly seed heads from verbena.
1 Oct, 2016
Thanks both of you. I have checked cornflower and and oriental poppy. Both of them are smaller but this one in second pic is about 3-4 feet tall and leaves are little bit bigger.
Similarly verbena plant seem to look like this one either. Anymore suggestions please?
2 Oct, 2016
Middle one looks like Centurea gigantea. it is a knap weed but has brilliant yellow flowers. I grow it and there shouls be pictures of it. third could be verbena hasta. it has a similar shape
2 Oct, 2016
Thanks SBG, after looking at the pix you guessed the cornflower correctly but the pods on the last plant were not like verbena hasta. They were similar but open at the top making the 5 holes at the top of the pod look like a flower in itself. You could literally turn the open mouth down and seeds will come out from the pod
2 Oct, 2016
Bottom one could be some kind of Silene (Campion) - the seed pods are like that.
3 Oct, 2016
I was having a daft name moment. it is Centaurea macrocephala.
that makes me wonder if the last one is a member of the poppy family or a silene as landgirl suggests. can you add a close up of the pods to help us and any shrivelled leaves too?
3 Oct, 2016
Thanks, I had seen them in the garden and hopefully if I see them again then I will post the close up.
9 Oct, 2016
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Hi there. The top one is an aster. No idea about the others, I'm afraid, but someone here will know.
1 Oct, 2016