By Julien
United Kingdom
Kerria problem(update)
Recently I asked if anyone had experienced the same dieback problems of Kerria japonica pleniflora, here in Derby all clients kerrias have died back everywhere you go you see the same problem, having gone through the Internet I have found the problem, it's called phomopsis canker or twig blight, it states that all canes to be cut back to ground level and see what happens, however if it's in the soil then you may have to grub them out, hope this is of help.
11 Oct, 2016
Well that's very interesting, haven't heard of that one - is it a new infection?
I found the info at Drury's, but there's no mention in the RHS stuff nor anywhere else I can find. well done for finding it at all!
11 Oct, 2016
yes it is thanks.
I have the odd cane die back every year but the rest of the shrub is alive and spreading!
11 Oct, 2016