By Arbuthnot
United Kingdom
On a walk this afternoon I came across a small tree (about 12ft or more - not fully grown?) which had the most amazing canary yellow ferny type leaves. It was such a sight that I stopped in my tracks. Given that there is no photo does anyone know what it might be? If the answer is no I might be able to find time to photograph it tomorrow.
24 Oct, 2016
Or Gleditsia triacanthos 'Sunburst'. :)
24 Oct, 2016
Hi, you could also look at Ginko biloba, what we really need is a photo, Derek.
24 Oct, 2016
Definitely not a Ginko, Derek, as I know what they look like and the leaf was totally different. I don't think it's a Robinia either, Stera, but a Sambucus Racemosa. I have the Nigra Purpurea variety so when I saw this tree I didn't recognise it. Now I want one! If only I had the space.
25 Oct, 2016
Perhaps its Sutherland Gold then. Very attractive (and a lot smaller than a Robinia...)
25 Oct, 2016
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I learned this just a few days ago from Sollada's question on tree idintification. Look at Robinia frisia.
24 Oct, 2016