By Kaharvey
New Zealand
I'd like to know of a ground cover plant the i could use to hopefully replace agapanthus that i use to help stable ise
bank. Its near vertical, i have used agapanthus as it does not die when sprayed with roundup weed killer.(gloclosphate)
The plant we use will always need to be cut back which will be very hard as its so high. Its not only clay there are patches of set sand that erodes with wind.
30 Oct, 2016
If it grows and is available where you are, go for Cotoneaster procumbens 'Queen of Carpets' - height up to 6/8 inches, spread indefinite, slow to grow at first, roots as it grows, flowers in spring, berries later. Very popular with bees.
Otherwise, Hebe youngii (previously called Hebe 'Carl Teschner') - you'd need a few, height 6-8 inches, they only spread to about 3 feet eventually, but they also tend to root at the tips as they grow. Also Hebe pinguifolia 'pagei', and Hebe Wingletye, similar height and spread - all native to NZ.
If you want a little bit of height here and there, and a break in the solid ground cover, add Yucca flaccida 'Golden Sword' - max height 2-3 feet, evergreen, highly drought resistant. They might look a bit weird on a vertical slope, but no weirder than agapanthus might.
All these plants need some sun, so if the bank is in total shade all the time, they won't work - but I'm assuming, if you're growing agapanthus currently, there must be some sun exposure.
30 Oct, 2016
Previous question
Naturally Native has quite a list of plants for erosion control. Many of the Coprosmas, Leptospermums, and Phormiums look quite promising. As for Agapanthus not succumbing to glyphosphate, that's not true in the United States.
30 Oct, 2016