By Slc1
United Kingdom
I have just planted by first ROSE BUSH. Any tips for looking after it?
10 Aug, 2010
Nothing to do until the first week of March when you need to prune it. If it is a tea rose cut it hard 3-4 inches from the ground. If it is a floribunda cut only a third of this year growth. You must then feed it and spray in May in order to keep it healthy. Do enjoy it.
10 Aug, 2010
Tips are dependent to some extent on what kind of rose -floribunda, climber, rambler?
10 Aug, 2010
Thank you for the response. It is a Rose Floribunda. All I am currently doing is deadheading the flowers that have died. I don't need to spray anything on it to keep it healthy then?
11 Aug, 2010
You can buy some Rose Food for next year, something like Toprose, which you apply at the base in April and then again I think end of May, can't remember, tells you on the box. Pruning in Spring, fairly hard as it ages, and no, you don't need to spray to keep it healthy, but it'll be a very unusual rose if it doesn't need spraying at some point for black spot, mildew or aphid infestation.
11 Aug, 2010
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I'm not very good with roses but have you looked further down the page to the black area with the alphabet in white, if you click on a letter ( R for example) you then get a list of plants--- click on rose and lots of blogs will appear for you to browse, then any other plants you are interested in--- its called Goypedia and is fascinating
10 Aug, 2010